The ESP-WROOM-02 module is a product specific for the Internet of Things world. It contains the ESP8266 CPU, the radio part, and all the components needed for CPU operation. The ability to develop on-board software, along with its very affordable price-quality ratio, makes it the best tool to quickly add WiFi connectivity to new or existing products. The product is not obsolete but it is advisable to use ESP-WROOM-32 module for new designs.
- 3.3V system
- SDK with FreeRTOS multi-tasking operating system
- WiFi 802.11 B/G connectivity with WEP support, WPA/WPA2 PSK/Enterprise
- 4Mbit of internal flash memory for firmware and storage
- Web Interface and OTA Update
- Hardwire OS already available and ready to use
- Many configurable GPIO
- CE and FCC certification