1. Introduction

Hardwire is an Internet of Things platform that allows you to create smart connected objects. Data can be collected from many different sources, using different software libraries or APIs:

Data collected by Hardwire IoT platform can be accessed at any time through two different communication channels:

The goal of this documentation is to provide a full description of how to integrate third party applications with Hardwire platform, how to send sensor data and how to access collected data through APIs and WebSocket. This document contains technical information, and it’s therefore intended for software developers.

Getting started

In order to start using Hardwire you must be a registered user. You can sign up at any time for a free plan following this URL: .


If you are interested to use Rest API you can apply for an authorization token writing something about your application at this address:


General concepts

CloudMonitor APIs and WebSocket make use of generic concepts and entities:

2. API Reference

The most important method to integrate Hardwire with third party applications is using standard Rest APIs. Below a list of all the public APIs available.

Data format

Data contained in both APIs and WebSocket are represented using the standard JSON format. Also request parameters and any kind of output are formatted in JSON.


Hardwire offers applications the ability to issue authenticated requests on behalf of the application itself (as opposed to on behalf of a specific user). The authentication process has been implemented following the OAuth 2 specification.

Each application that wants to use Hardwire APIs must be recognized and identified by the platform and needs an authentication token. Authentication tokens are strictly connected with a specific user of the platform, therefore a token grants access only to data and information related to that specific user.

Authentication token must be specified in any HTTP request, following the OAauth 2 standard:

"Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"

If you want to apply for an API token, just write us an email to: hardwire@imotion.it

Rate limit

Rate limiting of the API is primarily considered on a IP basis. Rate limits are calculated into 15 minute intervals. There’s a standard bucket of 60 calls every 15 minutes.

In case you need real-time data, a WebSocket is available.

Response codes

Hardwire platform can use different HTTP response codes, depending on the result of the operation.

HTTP response Description
200 Ok Request completed successfully
400 Malformed Request Malformed request: check parameters or endpoint
401 Unauthorized The authentication token is not allowed to access the resource specified on the request
403 Validation Error Returned mainly during the creation of a resource, it specifies that some fields contains invalid data (like an invalid email)
404 Not Found Record not found
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error is a temporary response code due to an extraordinary condition. Retry later or contact the technical support if this error persists

API: Plant list

Useful to retrieve the list of plants. The request has no parameter.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/plant_list

Response format

  "plants": [
      “id”: 32,
      “name”: “MyPlant1”,
  }, {
  “id”: 44,
      “name”: “MyPlant2”
] }

The response is a JSON object that contains an array with a list of “plant” objects.

Field Type Always present Description
id Integer yes Unique ID of the object
name String yes Plant name

API: Sensor map

This API returns the structure and relation of each sensor that composes a plant. The request has no parameter.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/sensor_map/<PLANT_ID>

Request parameters

The only parameter accepted by the request is specified as part of the endpoint URL.

Field Type Required Description
PLANT_ID Integer yes Plant ID. You can get it from Plant List API.

Response format

  "sensors": [{
      "id": "330",
      "name": "MySensor1",
      "sensor_id": 0,
      "icon": "remote_control",
      "children": [{
          "id": "331",
          "name": "MySensor2",
          "sensor_id": 1,
          "icon": "sun",
          "children": [
              "id": "332",
              "name": "MySensor3",
              "sensor_id": 2,
              "icon": "air_conditioning_indoor",
              "children": []

The response is a JSON object that represents a tree of sensors and children. Each sensor object has these attributes.

Field Type Always present Description
id Integer yes Unique sensor id. Assigned automatically by the platform.
name String yes Sensor name
sensor_id Integer yes Unique within a plant. Assigned by the user.
icon String yes A string that represents the icons assigned to this sensor.
children Array yes An array of sensor objects, children of the current one.

There’s an important difference between “id” and “sensor_id”. The first one is auto-assigned by the platform every time you create a new sensor, while the second one is manually assigned from the user. The only exception is the first sensor of the tree that has always a fixed “sensor_id” set to 0.

API: Data history

This API returns historical data of a specific variable.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/history

Request parameters

  “sensor_id”: 32,
  “date”: “2014-12-17”,
  “var_type”: 34

The parameters must be sent into the body of the POST request as a JSON object:

Field Type Required Description
sensor_id Integer yes

Unique ID of sensor. It can be obtained from the “id” field of the Sensor Map API.

NOTE: Sensor Map API returns also a user defined sensor_id attribute. That value is only used by data loggers and it’s nothing in common with this parameter.

date Date yes Date, in formato YYYY-MM-DD
var_type Integer yes Identifier of the variable we’re requesting data. See appendix for all supported values.

Response format

  "sensor_id": "32",
  "date": "2014-12-17",
  "var_type": "34",
  "summary": {
    "sum": 12.60076878295,
    "count": 17,
    "min": 0.00033618172165006,
    "max": 1.7930368185043,
    "min_key": "1451431005",
    "max_key": “1451484793”,
  "data": {
    "1451430105": 0.00084083323599771,
    "1451430165": 0.0021014518570155,
    "1451430225": 0.00092494185082614,
    "1451430285": 0.00075672467937693,
    "1451430345": 0.0010087979026139,
    "1451430405": 0.00092468928778544,
    "1451430465": 0.0014292144915089,
    "1451430526": 0.00058812863426283,
    "1451430585": 0.0009092777618207,
    "1451430645": 0.00084070692537352,
    "1451430705": 0.0014299730537459,
    "1451430765": 0.0013693266082555,
    "1451430825": 0.0016812877729535,
    "1451430885": 0.00067261612275615,
    "1451430945": 0.00058863376034424,
    "1451431005": 0.00033618172165006,
    "1451484793": 1.7930368185043

The response is a JSON object that contains the values of the variable on that specific interval.

Field Type Always present Description
sensor_id Integer yes Same value of request
date Date yes Same value of request
var_type Integer yes Same value of request
summary Array yes A summary of the measures, count, min, max ...
data Array yes An array of values in the format “timestamp” => “value”

API: Plant status

This API returns historical data of a specific variable.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/plant_status/<PLANT_ID>

Request parameters

The only parameter accepted by the request is specified as part of the endpoint URL.

Field Type Required Description
PLANT_ID Integer yes Plant ID. You can get it from Plant List API.

Response format

  "status": [{
    “var_type”: 32,
    “value”: 1.23,
    "sensor_id": 84,
    "timestamp": 1451486902

The response is a JSON object that contains an array of variables with these fields:

Field Type Always present Description
var_type Integer yes Id of the variable. It represents the type of variable. See appendix for all possibile values.
value String yes Value of the variable
sensor_id Integer yes

Unique ID of sensor. Same value obtained from the “id” field of the Sensor Map API.

NOTE: Sensor Map API returns also a user defined sensor_id attribute. That value is only used by data loggers and it’s nothing in common with this parameter.

timestamp Integer yes Timestamp of the variable

API: Event list

This API returns a list of events generated from the platform for a specified plant. For real-time event acquisition use WebSocket instead of standard APIs.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/event_list

Request parameters

  “plant_id”: 32,
  “offset”: 200,
  “num_records”: 100

The parameters must be sent into the body of the POST request as a JSON object:

Field Type Required Description
plant_id Integer yes Plant ID. You can get it from Plant List API.
offset Integer no Used for pagination, it skips the first “offset” elements. Default value is 0.
num_records Integer no Number of records returned. Default value is 20. Maximum value 500.

Response format

  "events": [{
      “id”: 67933,
      “sensor_id”: 32,
      “event_type”: 3,
      "active": false,
      "description": “Temperature is below threshold of 23.5”,
      "timestamp": 1451486901
  }, {
      “id”: 67953,
      “sensor_id”: 18,
      “event_type”: 3,
      "active": true,
      "description": “Panic button pressed”,
      "timestamp": 1451484503

The response is a JSON object that contains an array of events with these attributes:

Field Type Always present Description
id Integer yes Unique id of the event.
sensor_id Integer yes Id of the sensor that generated the event.
event_type Integer yes Type of the event. See appendix for all possibile values.
active Bool yes Whether event is still active or not.
description String yes A description of the event.
timestamp Integer yes The timestamp of the event.

Events are returned from the newest one.

API: Alarm list

This API returns a list of alarm collected by the platform for a specified plant. For real-time alarm acquisition use WebSocket instead of standard APIs.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/alarm_list

Request parameters

  “plant_id”: 32,
  “offset”: 200,
  “num_records”: 100

The parameters must be sent into the body of the POST request as a JSON object:

Field Type Required Description
plant_id Integer yes Plant ID. You can get it from Plant List API.
offset Integer no Used for pagination, it skips the first “offset” elements. Default value is 0.
num_records Integer no Number of records returned. Default value is 20. Maximum value 500.

Response format

  "alarms": [{
      “id”: 3288534,
      “sensor_id”: 32,
      “alarm_type”: 3,
      "description": “Internal data logger memory is full”,
      "timestamp": 1451486901
   }, {
      “id”: 3288554,
      “sensor_id”: 18,
      “alarm_type”: 3,
      "active": true,
      "description": “Panic button pressed”,
      "timestamp": 1451484503

The response is a JSON object that contains an array of alarms with these attributes:

Field Type Always present Description
id Integer yes Unique id of the alarm.
sensor_id Integer yes Id of the sensor that generated the alarm.
alarm_type Integer yes Type of the alarm. See appendix for all possibile values.
description String yes A description of the alarm.
timestamp Integer yes The timestamp of the alarm.

Alarm are returned from the newest one.

API: Send Command

This request sends a command to a specified device and returns the status of the command.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/send_command

Request parameters

  “plant_id”: 32,
  “command”: "SET_PWM_OUT_1",
  "parameter": "100"

The parameters must be sent into the body of the POST request as a JSON object:

Field Type Required Description
plant_id Integer yes Plant ID. You can get it from Plant List API.
command String yes String of a specific command. See appendix for all possibile values.
parameters String no Extra parameters to send together with the command.

Response format

  "command": {
    "id": 35,
    "status": "PEND"

The response is a JSON object that contains the values of the command.

Field Type Always present Description
id Integer yes ID of the command.
status String yes String for the result of the sending.
Possible values:
  • PEND   →   The command is pending
  • SENT    →   The command was sent correctly
  • CONF   →   The command is confirmed from the plant
  • ERR     →   Error in sending the command from the server

If the command is not supported the response will be HTTP 400 code.

API: Command Status

This request returns the status of the specified command.

URL https://app.hardwire.io/api/v1/command_status/<COMMAND_ID>

Request parameters

The only parameter accepted by the request is specified as part of the endpoint URL.

Field Type Required Description
COMMAND_ID Integer yes Command ID. You can get it from Send Command API.

Response format

  "command": {
    "id": 35,
    "status": "PEND"

The response is a JSON object that contains the values of the command.

Field Type Always present Description
id Integer yes ID of the command.
status String yes String for the result of the sending.
Possible values:
  • PEND   →   The command is pending
  • SENT    →   The command was sent correctly
  • CONF   →   The command is confirmed from the plant
  • ERR     →   Error in sending the command from the server

If the command is not supported the response will be HTTP 400 code.

3. Arduino Library

Hardwire is fully compatible with any Arduino-compatible board. Integrating Hardwire Arduino Library into your project, you can add very powerful features like:

Please read general concepts about Hardwire platform before proceeding.


Hardwire Arduino Library is compatible with any Arduino board. Due to the fact the board must be able to communicate with the platform, an Internet connection is required. You can connect your Arduino board to the Internet in any way:

Getting started

In order to use Hardwire Arduino library you should install a valid Arduino IDE on your computer. Both Arduino.cc IDE and Arduino.org IDE are fully supported.
Once IDE is working and can communicate with your Arduino board, follow these instructions to install Hardwire Arduino Library:

  1. Clone or download CloudMonitor Arduino Library from Github.
  2. Install library into your IDE. For detailed information about adding an external library just follow this link.
  3. Restart your IDE and check if library is successfully detected.
  4. Go to File -> Example and load one of the samples contained into the the library for quick information about how to use it.

Standard usage

For a standard usage, Hardwire Arduino Library requires an instance of a generic Client object in order to connect to the Internet. Any class that extends Client can work properly (like EthernetClinet or WiFiClient).

Init function

// This will init the library
cm24_init("MY_PLANT_IDENTIFIER", "MY_PLANT_TOKEN", "MY_COMMAND_TOKEN", clientObjectInstance);

// This is for setting a specific callback function called once Arduino board receives a remote command
cm24_register_command_callback( my_callback_function );

Init of the library should be done within setup function of your sketch. This is the place where you have to specify your plant identifier and tokens. During the setup execution you can also specifiy a custom remote command callback, which is a function called every time Hardwire platform sends a command to the board.

Loop function

void loop()
	// Don't block loop in any way

Hardwire loop function must be called within standard sketch loop function. This is a mandatory requirements, because loop function is responsible to transfer local data to the cloud platform. This function has an internal timing, so it should be called at the maximum speed possibile.

NOTE: try to avoid as much as possible any blocking operation within the main sketch loop function. If loop function is blocked by any other function, Hardwire Arduino Library cannot transfer local data to the platform nor receive any command.

Logging variables or alarms

cm24_log_variable( uint32_t VARIABLE_ID, float value, uint16_t sensor_id );
cm24_log_alarm( uint32_t ALARM_ID, float value, uint16_t sensor_id );

Logging variables and alarms have not been so easy! Just call cm24_log_variable and cm24_log_alarm function. The library will localy save the value of the variable or the code of the alarm and transfer it to the cloud platform as soon as possibile.

NOTE: you should always place a delay between two log function calls. Logging at the maximum speed without any delay will lead to fill local buffer and lose data.

Receiving remote commands

void setup()
	cm24_register_command_callback( callback_function );

void callback_function( char *command )
	// This function will be called every time you get a new command.

Remote commands are a very interesting feature of the library, because they grant you control of your Arduino board from any place of the world. Remote commands are represented by standard text strings. It's in charge to your application to understand the command and execute it.

In order to receive remote commands, you firstly have to register a callback function during the setup process. This function will be called every time your board receives a remote command.

If you want to disable remote commands you can both avoid to specifiy the command callback or pass an empty command token to the cm24_init function.

Advanced configuration

// Change this values to have a larger or smaller buffer
#define CM24_BUFFER_VAR_SIZE  50

Hardwire Arduino Library has few optional configuration parameters, useful for fine tuning memory usage and performance. Usually default values are ok, but you can change any configuration parameter just editing the hardwire_config.h file, which is part of the library.

Parameter Default Description
CM24_BUFFER_ALARM_SIZE 5 Number of elements of the local buffer used to save alarms when connections to the platform is temporary not working. Higher the value higher the memory used by the library.
CM24_BUFFER_VAR_SIZE 50 Number of elements of the local buffer used to save variables when connections to the platform is temporary not working. Higher the value higher the memory used by the library.

Appendix: Variable types

Every variable has a type, that represents the physical measure it represents. The type of the variable helps the platform to understand what is the measure unit and how to format the value.

Below a list of supported variable IDs.

ID Type Description
1 String IP Address (usually of the data logger that sent the record)
4 Float Latitude
5 Float Longitude
6 Float Speed (Km/h)
7 Float GPS Heading (degrees)
20 Float Temperature (°C)
21 Float Solar radiation (W/m2)
22 Float Electrical current (A)
25 Float Electrical power (kW)
26 String Firmware version
38 Float Data logger internal battery voltage (V)
52 Boolean Generic Digital Input 1
53 Boolean Generic Digital Input 2
54 Boolean Generic Digital Input 3
55 Boolean Generic Digital Input 4
56 Float Generic Analog Input 1
57 Float Generic Analog Input 2
58 Float Generic Analog Input 3
59 Float Generic Analog Input 4
63 Integer Altitude (m)
64 Float Generic Analog Input 5
65 Float Generic Analog Input 6
66 Float Generic Analog Input 7
67 Float Generic Analog Input 8
69 Float Humidity (%)
70 Float Pressure (Bar)
75 Boolean Generic Digital Output 1
76 Boolean Generic Digital Output 1
77 Boolean Generic Digital Output 1
78 Boolean Generic Digital Output 1
79 Integer Generic Counter
80 Integer PWM Output 1
81 Integer PWM Output 2
82 Integer PWM Output 3
83 Integer PWM Output 4
84 Float Acceleration X-axis
85 Float Acceleration Y-axis
86 Float Acceleration Z-axis
87 Float Ambient light (lux)
88 Integer Battery level (%)

Appendix: Alarm types

Every alarm sent by the data logger must have a type, which helps to identify the meaning of the alarm.

Below a list of supported alarm IDs.

ID Type Description
9 Custom user alarm Available for custom user alarms.
10 Internal battery low Sent by the data logger when the internal battery (if available) is discharged.
11 Storage full Sent by data logger once the internal storage is almost full.
12 Data logger tamper Sent by data logger in case of tamper detection.

Appendix: Event types

Every event has a type, that represents the logic that stands behind it.

Below a list of supported event IDs.

ID Type Description
3 Variable Value Created every time a variable has a value out or within a certain interval.
4 Sensor Offline Created every time the platform doesn’t receive an update of some variables for a specified amount of time.
7 Input Activation Created once we have a digital input activtion/ deactivation (see Generic Digital Input variable types).

Appendix: Command types

Every command has a type, that represents the command itself.

Below a list of supported command IDs.

Command Description Parameters
SET_DIG_OUT_1 Set digital output 1 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_1 Reset digital output 1 None
SET_DIG_OUT_2 Set digital output 2 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_2 Reset digital output 2 None
SET_DIG_OUT_3 Set digital output 3 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_3 Reset digital output 3 None
SET_DIG_OUT_4 Set digital output 4 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_4 Reset digital output 4 None
SET_DIG_OUT_5 Set digital output 5 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_5 Reset digital output 5 None
SET_DIG_OUT_6 Set digital output 6 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_6 Reset digital output 6 None
SET_DIG_OUT_7 Set digital output 7 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_7 Reset digital output 7 None
SET_DIG_OUT_8 Set digital output 8 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_8 Reset digital output 8 None
SET_DIG_OUT_9 Set digital output 9 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_9 Reset digital output 9 None
SET_DIG_OUT_10 Set digital output 10 None
RESET_DIG_OUT_10 Reset digital output 10 None
SET_PWM_OUT_1 Set the PWM output 1 to a specified value Requires an INT value (0..100)
SET_PWM_OUT_2 Set the PWM output 2 to a specified value Requires an INT value (0..100)
SET_PWM_OUT_3 Set the PWM output 3 to a specified value Requires an INT value (0..100)
SET_PWM_OUT_4 Set the PWM output 4 to a specified value Requires an INT value (0..100)